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A desi Indian farmer with his wife posing happily for the camera - village life, rich village family, holding spade, farming tool
Modern villagers discussing cultivation plans in a wheat field - agriculture, farming, farmers, checking farm subsidy
An insurance agent in a village home - sales man, thumbs up, selling insurance policy, farm loans, agriculture loans
Indian villager feels proud and poses with his tractor - progressive farmer, rich farmer, agricultural advancement, evolution
Two village farmers discussing modern farming techniques - village life, agriculture, jai jawan jai kisan
A young educated male with an old farmer - modern agricultural practices, better quality of crops, insurance agent, agri consultant
Two desi Indian farmers in discussion - crop production, summers, paddy, wheat field, two brothers, Indian agri business
A young educated man with the farmer - learning use of technology, modern ways of agriculture, laptop, advanced farming, loan agent
Young educated villager teaching grey-haired farmer - modern agriculture, tab, technology in village, advanced farming
Bank employee with the old farmer's family - tractor purchase, Krishi Yojana, emergency loan, farmer loan
An Indian farmer doing online KYC for tractor loan - bank employee, insurance agent, rich farmer, Indian agriculture system
An Indian farmer family with their daughter - small nuclear family, new tractor, rural people, villagers, desi lifestyle
Handing over farm tractor keys to the old village man - tractor loan, buying trctor, buying new home, home keys
Tilt view of beautiful and colorful decorative green plants in a nursery
A confident modern farmer making a call while standing in his agricultural field
Educated Indian farmer learning new things on a laptop - technology concept
Educated Indian farmer learning new things on a laptop - technology concept
An Indian traditional woman in a blue saree posing for the camera - sitting in the tractor, modern technology, farmer development
Two desi villagers laughing together on camera - desi lifestyle, desi farmers, agriculture, jai jawan jai kisan, annadata
Modern villagers in their early forties discussing cultivation plans together
Indian farmer plowing the field with the help of tractor - Modern way of agriculture