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The Indian grocery shopkeeper - counting daily earning, financial freedom, saving concept, daily cash collection
Grocery or kirana store shopkeeper packing groceries - e-commerce delivery, dark store, shopping bag, retail store, online business
Close-up shot of kirana merchant busy on mobile phone at the grocery store - small business, shop next door, India
Kirana shop owner taking orders from the customer over mobile phone - small business, home delivery services, 10 minute delivery, online ordering
Kirana store merchant noting down orders from customer - successful small businesses, grocery store
Indian woman giving cash money to the shopkeeper - purchasing groceries, kirana shop, small business, Indian store, selling fmcg products
An Indian woman making an online payment at Kirana store - shopping concept, lifestyle, grocery store
A beautiful Indian woman purchasing groceries at the neighbourhood store - consumer products, price and consumer index, inflation, Indian store
Shot of a vendor counting Indian currency notes - daily expense, finance, financial saving, financial freedom, cash payment
A vegetable vendor talking on a call in a break time - free time activity, Indian
A vegetable street seller showing thumbs up towards the camera and smiling - a vegetable vendor, poor man, Indian, road side stall
Vegetable vendor smiling towards the camera while sitting at his stall - fresh vegetables, small business, Indian
Indian street vendor selling tomatoes in the street market - fresh tomatoes, measurement, single-use plastic ban, plastic use
The vegetable vendor measuring fresh tomatoes in a measuring machine - vegetable stall, use of polythene, single-use plastic in India
Woman paying the vegetable seller in cash - 500 Rupee Indian currency notes, exchange of money, Indian seller, small business transaction
Closeup shot of a vegetable shop - measuring machine, scanner code, street market, Indian vegetable shop, small Indian business
A woman scanning a QR code for making a payment to a vegetable seller - mobile payment, easy access, digital revolution, UPI payment
Vegetable seller measuring the quantity of fresh tomatoes - fresh vegetables, weighing scale, business transaction
Indian woman buying vegetable in a vegetable market - street seller, old man, Indian economy, growing vegetable prices
A woman making a card payment at the gas station - filling the fuel in the car, diesel, putting pin for credit card
A man showing a POS machine at a petrol pump - gas station, smiling, new technology concept, online payment, mobile payment, digital currency
An attendant at the petrol pump is counting the currency notes - daily earnings, gas station, diesel dispenser
A tailor cutting the fabric using scissors - man using a sewing machine, tailoring concept, small job, skill-based work
A Muslim tailor sewing clothes and showing thumbs - smiling, salt and pepper, long beard, middle-aged man
A tailor working on the sewing machine - smiling towards the camera, Sewing, Muslim skilled artist, job-oriented skill
A man counting Indian currency notes - daily earnings, self-employed, Aatmanirbhar Bharat, India, employment
A man working on the sewing machine at his tailoring shop - earning concept, earning livelihood, Muslim craftsman
A Muslim tailor posing for the camera while stitching - tailoring, growing India, economic power, financial freedom, skill based work