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A middle-aged Indian villager in a Kurta-Pajama and an Angocha working on a laptop - modern Indian villager
A middle-aged villager and his young daughter using a laptop together - modern Indian villagers
A middle-aged villager in a Kurta-Pajama helping his daughter in her studies - Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
A rural housewife in a traditional Saree giving a glass of water to her sick husband - cold and cough, fever, lung infection
A concerned father consulting a doctor online - video consultation, online medical consultation, medical care, Indian village
A worried husband of an Indian village consulting a doctor online - medical attention, doctor's appointment
A caring village husband putting a cold compress on his sick wife's forehead -medical attention, doctor's advice
A lady doctor examining a female patient in an Indian village - Anganwadi worker, nurse, home checkup,
A middle-aged lady doctor doing a checkup of a teenage girl - medical attention, Anganwadi worker, healthcare in an Indian village
A lady doctor with female village patients - free healthcare in India, rural healthcare, medical facilities
A middle-aged village woman with a primary care physician in the village - rural healthcare system
A middle-aged village couple and their teenage daughter with a government official - Use of technology in life
An educated government office - welfare schemes on laptops, computer education, creating awareness, Indian village home
A village Anganwadi worker teaching stitching to a village lady - vocational training, NGO, skill development
A government employee dressed in a saree posing for the camera - an educated woman in a village, government officer
A female teacher with a village teenage girl - sitting on a Chaarpai, home education, Shiksha, Beti bachao Beti padao
A healthcare worker giving medicines to a teenage girl - medical facilities, rural healthcare system
A government officer explaining loan formalities to a female farmer - agricultural loans, new policies
A female government employee with a village mother and daughter - Indian village, government scheme, insurance policy
A social worker educating Indian villagers - Indian people in villages, village home
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Indian devotees with their heads covered and bare feet at a Gurudwara
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Prasaad is being offered to the devotees at a Gurudwara
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Water body with fishes at The Bangla Sahib Gurudwara
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Young boys bathing at Sarovar in Gurudwara - Holy water bath
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Young kids taking a holy dip at Sarovar at Gurudwara - Holy water
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Free water service at Gurudwara - Chabeel seva
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, People washing their feet in the water before entering a Gurudwara
Bangla Sahib, Connaught Place New Delhi, India, 20th September 2022, Feet washing ritual at Guru Dwara at the entrance