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An Indian elderly lady giving her vote in the EVM - registered voters, general elections, election process, democracy
An Indian politician showing off his money to bribe - a corrupted leader, the power of money, 500 rupees notes
An Indian politician with candidates showing the ink-marked index finger to encourage the Indian citizens - democracy, right to vote, registered voters
Supports of a political party showing ink sign on their index finger after casting their vote - assembly elections
Responsible citizen showing the ink mark on his index finger after casting his vote - assembly election, general election
A group of happy voters showing their inked-marked index fingers in front of the camera - registered voters, a democratic, Indian citizenship
A beautiful young college student happily showing her blue mark on the index finger - general elections, a registered voter, an Indian citizen
An Indian voter showing the ink sign on her index finger after casting her vote - voting process, democracy
A portrait of a responsible Indian citizen showing the blue ink mark on the index finger casting a vote - general elections, Indian citizenship, assembly, Lok Sabha
Female Indian voter showing the ink sign on her index finger after casting her vote - assembly election, state election
Responsible citizens of all age standing in a queue outside the polling booth to cast their vote - assembly elections
Voters standing in a queue showing their voter identification cards - general elections, state elections, India
Grey-haired old lady dressed in saree, feeling happy after casting her vote in Indian elections - mature citizen
Grey hair Indian female happily showing her voter identification card before casting her vote in elections
Old age man dressed in formal wear feeling happy after giving his vote in the elections - responsible citizen, India
Mature old age man dressed in formal wear ready with his voter identification card to cast his vote in elections
Two desi farmers chatting while standing in front of their farmland - two brothers
Indian citizens standing in line and showing their voting cards to the government employees - general elections, state elections, Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha
4k video of upset, attractive young Asian woman showing thumbs-down sign gesture - expressing discontent
An Indian girl opening an individually packed sanitary pad - periods, education, awareness, hygiene, menstrual cycle
A portrait of an Indian female hand choosing tampons over sanitary pads - alternative mensuration products, better absorption, heavy flow, eco-friendly
A visual representation showing that menstrual cups are better than sanitary pads and tampons - alternative periods essentials
Indian young man gives a thumbs-up gesture while smiling towards the camera- encouragement, uplifting
An Indian man showing a prohibition sign crossing his arms making a refusal gesture toward the camera
Closeup shot of a woman showing serious and shocking gestures towards the camera - Facial expressions
Closeup shot of a woman showing different facial expressions at home - spectrum of emotions, confused, excited, understanding
An Indian woman showing a prohibition sign crossing his arms making a refusal gesture toward the camera, stop, no gesture
Beautiful Indian woman with a thoughtful gesture - comes with an idea or a solution, new idea, eureka, euphoria, excited