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Grey-haired Indian woman suffering from severe joint pain - knee pain, knee injury, grand mother, swollen joint
Grey-haired Indian man suffering from severe joint pain - knee pain, knee injury, village life, old age farmer
An Indian woman is folding ironed clothes at home - household chores, laundry, domestic lifestyle, daily routine, housewife
Unwell middle-aged male suffering from knee pain at home - healthcare problems
Injured adolescent female treating her wounded hand - first-aid of wrist sprain
An Indian woman wrapping her painful wrist with a crepe bandage - sports injury, wrist sprain, North East Indian girl
Man opening bandaged hand and checking the flexibility after a sports injury
Indian male applying an elastic bandage for sprain - Indian boxer
Wrist sprain - Young man wrapping crepe bandage on his painful wrist
Sprain/injury on athlete's hand - Painful expression. Indian sportsman, Indian boxer