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Stock Video

Village housewife putting card details of her new debit/credit card for online purchase
A modern Indian villager working on his laptop while sitting on a woven cot - an electronic gadget, internet technology
A middle-aged Indian guy talking on a video call - use of technology, mobile phone penetration
An educated Indian farmer happily talking on a video call while using a laptop
A young village daughter helps her mother in online shopping - entering credit/debit card details, modern technology
A middle-aged villager and his young daughter using a laptop together - modern Indian villagers
Beautiful village woman texting on a smartphone and giving different reactions
Young attractive husband showing new things to his beautiful wife on his new smartphone - Village life
An Indian traditional woman in a blue saree posing for the camera - sitting in the tractor, modern technology, farmer development
A village family posing for the camera with their car keys - future investment, car purchase, travel, prosperity
An Indian village woman excitedly using the mobile phone - independent woman, rural development, modern villagers
A portrait of an Indian village woman sitting on a tractor and smiling at camera - driving, rural life, village lifestyle
Indian villager feels proud and poses with his tractor - progressive farmer, rich farmer, agricultural advancement, evolution
Handing over farm tractor keys to the old village man - tractor loan, buying trctor, buying new home, home keys
Desi young Indian farmer using smartphone on field - modern agriculture, technology usage in rural area, slaves of technology
A beautiful young Indian using laptop with her grandma - dadi: success, happiness, topper girl
A desi Indian farmer with his wife posing happily for the camera - village life, rich village family, holding spade, farming tool
Modern villagers discussing cultivation plans in a wheat field - agriculture, farming, farmers, checking farm subsidy
A young educated man with the farmer - learning use of technology, modern ways of agriculture, laptop, advanced farming, loan agent
A young educated male with an old farmer - modern agricultural practices, better quality of crops, insurance agent, agri consultant
A farmer with moustache talking on his mobile - green farmland, holding a shovel, village lifestyle, modern farmer
Indian lady talking on a phone while sitting on a charpai - leisure time, happy woman
Indian village family - mother and daughter doing a video call, on a smartphone, educated family
Indian village farmer talking on a mobile phone while his wife cleans food grain. Indian agricultural field in the background, village life
Mid-Age Indian farmer couple talking on a video call while using a mobile phone. Online video, distant communication, new technology
Side view shot of a beautiful village woman happily talking over a phone call - Indian family in a village, nuclear family
Young village couple in their green wheat fields in India - Using laptop sitting on a cot, modern villager
A handsome bearded farmer happily talking on his mobile in his green farmland - modern villager